Community events

Supporting the community
Maxxia participates in a range of activities and events to support the work of our clients and their people, including reward, recognition and development programs for staff as well as fundraisers, family days, annual balls, conferences and sponsorship of local teams and events, such as:
- Australian Red Cross - Warrior Dash
- Murdoch Childrens Research Institute - Foxtel Lap and family days
- St Vincent's - CEO Sleepout
- Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) - Annual RFDS Ball and Quentin Broad Golf Day (Rio Tinto event)
- St John of God - annual staff ball
- Amana Living - Annual staff ball
- WA Police Football team - the Hogs

Staff fundraising
Throughout the year, our staff take part in a number of events to help raise much-needed funds for charities. These include:
- Cancer Council - Biggest Morning Tea
- SIDS and Kids - Red Nose Day
- RSPCA - Million Paws Walk and Cupcake Day
- Victorian AIDS Council / Gay Men's Health Centre - World AIDS Day
- Beyond Northside Mission Trip to Madagascar Bays
- National Breast Cancer Foundation - Pink Ribbon Day
- Movember
- Leukaemia Foundation - World's Greatest Shave and Light the Night Walk
- Starlight Foundation
We also participate in Earth Hour in our Brisbane, Melbourne and North Ryde offices.

Northern Health's Run Walk and Chalk
Maxxia is proud to have been associated with this fun-filled community fundraiser for Children's Services at Northern Health, Epping.
The annual event - a 3-kilometre run or walk that starts and finishes at the hospital - promotes health and happiness as participants of all ages and abilities weave through several crazy chalking stations along Cooper Street.
Afterwards there are live performances, a food truck park, giveaways, market stalls and kids' activities.