Salary packaging the Maxxia way

Discover more ways to do more with your money

What is salary packaging?
You don't have to earn a lot to benefit
You may have heard lots of people talking about salary packaging and even when they try to explain how it works, it might all seem quite complicated and perhaps even too good to be true.
Does the tax department really allow you to pay for some everyday items using pre-tax income? Yes, they do. (Refer to the ATO Salary sacrifice and salary packaging page for more information.)
Depending on individual circumstances, you may be able to salary package certain items - including electricity, clothing and groceries - and potentially reduce your taxable income and increase your disposable income.
No matter whether you work full-time, part-time or casually - if you expect to pay income tax, you could be better off.
What can you salary package?
We've got flexible packaging options to fit your needs

How much could salary packaging save me?
Our calculator can take the guesswork out of salary packaging and give you a guide to your potential savings.
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