Submitting claims allows you to reimburse funds spent on expenses for which you have active benefits or running costs. For example, if you have living expenses as an active benefit and you purchased groceries, you can submit a claim for that purchase and be reimbursed for the cost you have paid.
To submit a new claim, scroll to the bottom of the dashboard (where your cap and benefit information lives) and tap the “New claim” button. It’s a large orange button with a white plus in the centre.
Once you’re in the claim journey, you will be asked to choose the active benefit your claim is for before providing evidence of the expense – typically in the form of a receipt. Sometimes additional supporting documents (substantiation) will be required.
You will have the option of being reimbursed directly or requesting for us to relay the funds to the vendor on your behalf.
By default, your nominated bank account details will be pre-filled. You will be able to change this during the process, however this change will update your nominated bank account for ALL pending and future claims.
Once the claim is submitted, you will be able to track it through your transaction history. To access your history, tap the “Transactions” button just to the right of the “New claim” button. Then, select the “Claims status” option at the top of the screen.
Maxxia Pty Ltd | ABN 39 082 449 036 act as an authorised representative on behalf of a number of Australian financial services licensees. The capacity in which we act and the financial services we are authorised to provide are set out in our Financial Services Guides. We act as an agent for those licensees and not for you. Regulated leasing and related services are provided by Onboard Finance Pty Ltd ABN 18 645 542 776, Australian Credit Licence no. 532668. Onboard Finance authorises Maxxia Pty Ltd ABN 39 082 449 036 (Credit Representative no. 484063) to provide credit assistance to you. Credit guide for Maxxia Pty Ltd (as credit representative of Onboard) available here.
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