Maxxia Maintenance Team - The cherry on top of the Novated Lease cake!
There are many reasons why a novated lease could be beneficial for you and we talk about these main reasons all the time.
There’s the financial benefit, with the potential tax savings that come from using your before-tax salary to pay for things like fuel. There’s the buying power, with the possibility of saving on the price of your car with Maxxia’s huge network of dealer contacts. There’s the convenience, with all your car’s running costs, bills and fuel budgeted for throughout the year so you don’t have to worry about getting a nasty surprise bill in the mail you aren’t prepared for.
Now if these benefits were layers on a cake, that would be one tasty desert, but it would not be complete without the cherry on top.
The Maxxia maintenance team is the delicious glazed cherry that sits atop the novated leasing cake.
Ok, enough with the cake references. Let’s talk plainly about what the maintenance team does for our customers.
When a customer takes their novated lease vehicle to be serviced, whether it be for something out of the blue or scheduled maintenance, they give the service provider the phone number of the Maxxia maintenance team.
A Maxxia Maintenance Controller then talks directly with the mechanic on your behalf, you don’t need to do a thing at this point. The controller will ask what work or maintenance needs to be done, why it needs to be done, they ask how much it will cost and they will even negotiate if they believe the cost is too high!
All our controllers were once working mechanics, they know the industry, they know the lingo and their job is to get the best deal for you.
We’ve all been to a mechanic at some stage in our lives and felt vulnerable because we don’t know that much about cars. Our novated lease customers don’t have to worry about that, it’s like having a team of mechanics on call that are there to help you each time you need repairs or maintenance.
They have some amazing success stories, like this one.
So next time you think about novated leasing, add the Maxxia Maintenance team to your list of reasons why it’s worth looking into.
Now thinking about it, they’re more than the cherry on the cake, probably the icing.
This website contains general information and doesn't take your personal circumstances into account. Seek professional independent advice before making a decision.