Novated Leases and Servicing: It’s Already Budgeted For!

It’s been at the back of your mind for a while: time to drop the car in for a service. But you’ve been putting it off. It always costs more than you think, and you’re never sure the mechanic’s being straight with you. How to stump up the cash?
Wait one minute: you’ve got a fully maintained novated lease; isn’t maintenance and servicing already budgeted for?
Yes, it is! But it’s been months since you signed up – how does it work again?
Well, it’s simple. When you drop your car in, let your service provider know the vehicle is Maxxia-managed, and to contact our Maintenance Centre on 1300 123 123 before they commence any work.
Once the work is completed, your mechanic will contact you to collect the car. In between, Maxxia’s team of experienced mechanics will take care of the rest – from confirming and negotiating costs, to ensuring all work meets manufacturer standards, and is reasonable and consistent with the age and condition of your car.
Daniel Jakopovic, Senior Maintenance Controller, Maxxia, says in addition to discounted rates for all tyre outlets, Maxxia have agreed labour rates for all service providers. “We’re very diligent in the questions we ask service providers, and in stamping out ‘upsells’. If there’s anything not required per the schedule the team will push back.”
Maxxia’s maintenance team will also make sure you’re advised of all work to be carried out, and, once the final costs have been confirmed, pay the invoice directly from your novated lease account. (To ensure there is enough funds in your account, it is recommended that you regularly check your balance via Maxxia Online.)
It’s this sort of methodical, firm-but-fair approach that has saved Maxxia novated lease customers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year – and more than $328,000 in financial year 2022. In most leases, two services a year – based on time or mileage – are scheduled throughout the lease term.
While the potential tax savings and convenience of having all your running costs bundled into one regular payroll deduction are among the most appealing factors of a novated leasing arrangement, Jakopovic says having his team support the servicing of vehicles is a point of difference for Maxxia customers.
“For convenience it’s great, not having to worry about out-of-pocket when you get your car serviced," he says.
So, all of this considered, here’s a question: If you could lean on a team of expert mechanics to help you avoid paying too much at service time, why wouldn’t you?
Things you need to know: This general information doesn't take your personal circumstances into account. Please consider whether this information is right for you before making a decision and seek professional independent tax or financial advice. Conditions and fees apply, along with credit assessment criteria for lease and loan products. The availability of benefits is subject to your employer’s approval. Maxxia may receive commissions in connection with its services. Maxxia Pty Ltd | ABN 39 082 449 036.
This website contains general information and doesn't take your personal circumstances into account. Seek professional independent advice before making a decision.